fire extinguisher training classes

Fire Extinguisher Training Classes
in Dallas-Fort Worth, TX

Our fire safety specialists visit your location to make sure your staff
are properly prepared for emergencies.

Hands-On Training​

Hands-On Training​

Fire Extinguisher Training : Protecting Lives and Property

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Fire extinguishers are useless if your employees don’t have the skills to use them. Keep your team and property safe by booking a class.


Book fire extinguisher training in Dallas, Texas, for your business! Receive guided lessons in fire safety and how to handle an extinguisher.

If space allows, employees can practice shooting off the fire extinguishers themselves.

Fulfill OSHA and Insurance Requirements

Ensure you train your employees to handle all different variables in an emergency.


What Our Classes Cover

What Our Classes Cover

Trusted By:

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Give Us a Call!​

Give Us a Call!​
See if First Quality Fire services your area. Our customer service reps will schedule a time for our team to train your employees on-site in fire protection. Book your fire extinguisher class in Dallas, Texas, today by reach out to us!